
Showing posts from July, 2015

SharePoint is best utilized with these tools!

Designing Solution Integration with SharePoint : Mobile integration : 1. Infragistics Shareplus : Mobile UI ( ) CRM & Best User friendly UI 2. Sales force - for better efficient UIs and workflows ( ) Best looking public facing sites : 3. Sitecore : to create public facing websites more easily. ( ) Workflows : 4. K2 : powerful workflows ( ) 5. Ninetex : user friendly workflows ( ) 6. Bamboo : another well known workflow tool ( ) Project management Tool : 7. Jira : Issue and Agile project tracking tool ( ) BI & Dashboards : 8. Power BI : Powerful BI customization ( ) 9. ArcPlan : Best BI dashb...

Sharepoint Content hub rollback script v1.0

Content Hub Publishing : Sharepoint content hub publishing can be tedious some times with some of the following issues : 1. Content type publishing fails with the pre-import check on the existing sitecolumns 2. Cleaning up of the published content types 3. Rolling back to the previous stage Content Hub cleanup solution : Recently , I surfaced the above issues in implementing few content types in a content hub. It took  hours of tiresome troubleshooting on the content hub, ULS and content type error log. Finally, the issues have been resolved with loads of powershell scripts. I have posted the scripts in codeplex in thought of helping someone having the similar issues.  The scripts are free to download and availale at the following link : Hope it helps someone out there. Happy Sharepointing!

8 Principles of Document Writing

8 Principles of Document Writing :   1.Cohesive            The statements have to be well-integrated and unified.   2.Complete     The document has to be complete.   3.Consistent     The statements should have consistent presence through out.   4.Correct     The information must be correct.   5.Feasible     The document should be readable by the Users.   6.Modifiable     Contents are grouped so the changes doesn't need to modify.   7.Testable     A document must be reviewable   8.Unambiguous     Statements should be not give more than one interpretation.

Information Architecture in Sharepoint 2013

Information Architecture Information architecture determines how the information in that site or solution—its webpages, documents, lists, and data—is organized and presented to the site’s users. Information architecture is often recorded as a hierarchical list of content, search keywords, data types, and other concepts. Ways to improve the organization's information architecture efficiencies Use metadata to make it easier to search for and compare related data or content. Manage versions and records to ensure that you can tell which is the authoritative version of a document. Catalog and store information properly so decision-makers can find and rely on the right data. Design navigation and present information so that users can find important sites and information. Integrate your information architecture with your environment's search strategy, so your users can find the right information. Information architecture includes the wireframe and site map, search an...

Windows 10 : Download Insider Preview ISO

Windows 10 Insider Preview ISO Windows 10 will be officially launched by 29 Jul. Here is the insider preview ISO , if you want to evaluate the software.

Sharepoint 2010 : Crawl issues - Search refiners

For troubleshooting managed property for search refiners : Type the <Managedpropertyname>=<the value> in the search box. If the search results return the searchresults filtered by the managed property, the managed property is available for search refiners. Managed properties also can be queried with the < (lesser than) , > (greater than) symbols. Happy Sharepointing!